Commentary on the article I read on a flight Query , the official journal of CICAP (Italian Committee for the Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal).
forecasts of astrologers are crap crazy! Come to re-read what they said in 2010 ...
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Among the most amusing made in early 2010, you can re-read those on the world African : "Italy will make a good impression" (Richard Sorrentino a good start), "Lippi during the summer will have a wonderful time" (Susanna Schimperna to TG1), 'The sky of Lippi and the National despite having lost the strengths of the planets by transits in favor [...] are not immune to issues related to good fortune "Mauro Iacoboni (AGI). We all remember the colossal figure of dung we've done, but few remember the predictions of astrologers, right?
Let's have a laugh reading some anticipation of the beginning of 2010 on ' economy : Andre Barbault (quoted on argues that "the Jupiter-Uranus between the first and last degrees of Aries Pisces bodes well in an economic recovery (Jupiter) and employment (Uranus); according to Antonio Capitani, respondents, is "good for everyone that the crisis seems over astrologically. The recovery is already in Act 'and' begin to feel in 2010, when we can savor it in all its glory "(Open Studio). Now I would urge all those who are paying the crisis on its Pellacchia to wish Happy New Year to these windbags without a compass!
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For the rest of Obama would have to meet a tragic end (and already imagine the sprinkling of stars and balls strips) and Berlusconi should not have been obtained, for much longer, a political trust: the great Scilipoti Dominic was able to subvert the order of the stellar stuff!
A prediction has "caught 'the Blackbeard's Almanac 2010:
" We discuss further notice and will not be only physical: the TV will change and enable interactive experience, the computer will no longer be the only way to access the internet, but it will make way other devices, even the same TV. " Which industry experts for decades know for sure! In short: it's fun to hear strange weather future and dream ... but end of the day, we are building our future, there are stars that take!