Monday, January 31, 2011

Does Christina Aguilera's By Night Smell Good?


some initiatives that will take place in February in Romagna

Saturday, February 5 at Saiano (inland Cesena) the Cidi organizing a regional workshop to reflect on the identity and function of the head teacher. Between Carl Rogers and Renato Brunetta sottotiolo is provocative that the organizers have given at the meeting, to emphasize the dual pressure now falls on head teachers in the school autonomy: on the one hand there is the need to listen to people , the community, the needs of children and share options and proposals, on the other managerial qualifications is now stiffened by public management reform measures that seem to encourage accountability and unilateral powers. A nice dilemma to be analyzed by Giancarlo Cerini, Marisa Falzon, Lamberto Montanari and Maria Antonietta Stella, with the coordination of Jaime Enrique Amaducci, head teacher, Cidi Cesena.

Wednesday, February 9 Forlimpopoli (FC) a network of local authorities, schools and institutions to promote a conference on "Unification of Italy and Primary Education - How to build a nation." This is a historical reconstruction of the contribution of the processes of primary school literacy, training of national identity, development of citizenship. Reports of historical and educational and workshops, where the problems of today (school time, picture of the teacher, school reports, programs) shall be read also in terms of history. In short, the history can help us better understand (and also reorient) the future that awaits us.

In Forlì, in the afternoon of Saturday February 12-19-26, a series of meetings also to remember the figure of John Vasumini, trainer, educator, promoter of cultural, educational engaged on many fronts, both formal and informal . "The art of educating, the risk of teaching" is the title that is the setting for three specific studies on "Teaching the new barbarians, including education and training", "Education in difficult situations", "Peer education, scouts, guides education ". University professors, teachers, parents, experts will share their testimonies to reconstruct "all round" the figure of the educator (and a great teacher).

Cidi Forlì


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