Today, playing trumpets' s 86th Savings Day . I say, fuck savings. I am not saying the good economy, mind you!
not spending less, cutting spending that is the true good of society. I think the trend in spending is particularly good and not waste it. Recent calculations have found that today's production of food (assuming a proper diet) worthily be able to feed 12 billion people, leaving no one hungry.
We have food for two worlds and we starve nearly a billion people!
Save often forces us to choose inferior products, not very durable and socially harmful (uncontrolled exploitation of labor). I'm a dreamer, but I do not think I'm the only one dreaming (cited Lennon) so let's think about it, do not waste, I for one!
Appointments anti-waste:
- Today, in Brussels, the headquarters of the European Parliament, the Joint Declaration to reduce global 50% of food waste by 2025.
- Doman 29 October at 21, in Bologna, at the University Church of St. Sigismund "dialogue on waste."
- Saturday October 30, in Bologna, the presentation of the Black Book of waste in Italy.