Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Black Stool With Drinking Wine

Not to forget the racial laws of 1938 (the school)

Royal Decree Law No. 1390 of 5 September 1938 (published on September 13, 1938 No. 209 of the Official Journal)

"Provisions for the defense of race in school"

view of the art. 3, No. 2 of Law January 31, 1926-IV, # 100;
Having considered the absolute and urgent need to enact provisions for the protection of the race in the Italian school;
heard the Council of Ministers;
On the proposal of our Minister Secretary of State for National Education, in agreement with that of Finance;

We have decreed and decree: Article

1.All 'office of teacher in schools of any state or parastatal and grades in schools and non-governmental, which studies the effect is recognized by law, it can be admitted to Jewish people, even if they were included in lists of competition prior to this decree, nor can they be targeted for assistance university or the attainment of approval to university teaching.

Article 2.Representatives schools of any kind and degree, to whose study are recognized legal effect, may be registered students of the Jewish race.

Article 3.A effect from October 16, 1938-sixteenth of the Jewish race all teachers who belong to roles for schools in art. 1 will be suspended from duty, for this purpose are assimilated to the teaching staff, deans and directors of the Schools, aid workers and university security staff of the elementary school. Similarly, the lecturers of the Jewish race will be suspended from the university teaching.

Article 4.The members of the Jewish academies, institutes and associations of science, literature and arts, will cease to be part of those institutions with effect from October 16, 1938-XVI.

Article 5.In exemption in art. 2 will be admitted provisionally to continue his studies of Jewish students, already enrolled in higher education institutions during the past academic years.

Article 6.Agli effects of this decree-law of the Jewish race is considered one who is born of parents both of the Jewish race, although he professed religion other than Judaism.

Article 7.Il this decree-law will come into force upon its publication in the Official Gazette of the Kingdom, will be presented to Parliament for its conversion into law. The Minister of National Education is authorized to submit the relevant bill.

We order that this decree, bearing the seal of the State, and insert in the collection of laws and decrees of the Kingdom of Italy, sending everyone up to observe and enforce them.

Given at St. Flushing, this day of September 5, 1938 - Year XVI

Vittorio Emanuele, Mussolini, Bottai, Di Revel.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Frequency For Indian Chanel On Astra 2


Centre for Peace "Annalena Tonelli, Forlì Municipality, Province of Forlì-Cesena, Emilia-Romagna
In collaboration with CIDl (Centre for Democratic Initiative of Teachers)

Movie Review (January-February 2010)
Centre for Peace Annalena TonelliVia Andrelini, 59-47121 Forlì

Tuesday, January 19 2010Ore 20.30

Screening of the film (winner at Cannes 2008)

Francoise and his fellow teachers prepare for a new year of high school in a tough neighborhood. Armed with the best intentions, you agree not to allow anything that will discourage and prevent it impossible to provide the best education to their students. The different cultures and different attitudes are often in conflict with each other in the classroom as a microcosm of contemporary France synthesis.

Introduction: Marisa Tronconi, Comprehensive School Headmaster FAENZA

For a complete program cycle of films, see: per-capire.html

2010 International Year of the approach cultures
We are all meant to shine like the bambini.E we let our own light to illuminate, give other people permission to do the stesso.E As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence liberates others. (Nelson Mandela )

At the end of the meetings will receive a certificate of frequenza.Seguirà buffet conviviale.Con the contribution of the Emilia-Romagna

For informazioniCENTRO FOR PEACE Annalen TONELLIVia Andrelini 59-47121 Forlì Monday - Wednesday - Friday 9:00 am - 13.00 Monday - Friday at 15.00 to 19.00
Tel 20 218 0543 - E-mail: forl

Friday, January 15, 2010

Boarding Kennel Insurance Canada

Who's afraid of federalism school?
CIDI di Bologna.

perspective of federalism school:
risk of secession or desire to self-government?

school autonomy, regional and local bodies, curricula, staff: what will change in the school?

January 20, 2010, at 15-18
Hall Emilia-Romagna
Via Aldo Moro, 30


Emanuele Barbieri: The federal financial costs and virtue. The alternative to cuts in school.

Anna Harmony: From the Governement of governance: the new rules "horizontal" for the education system.

Gabriele Ventura: Once upon a time the integrated training system: the roots of educational federalism.

Giancarlo Cerini: A road map for sustainable federalism "solidarity" in the school.

Sedioli John: There is a way of Emilia-Romagna to federalism?

Chair: Ivana Summa, President of the CIDI BOLOGNA

Why this seminar?

have passed more than eight years after the reform of Title V of the Italian Constitution. Since then, there was further modification of the legal framework in addition to numerous rulings of the Constitutional Court which made the whole matter to a clearer and, for another, incomplete, and reveal the complex intertwining with issues of political and institutional.
This has, indeed, determined - to the government school system of our country - a situation of stalemate and uncertainty.
The school has a hard time understanding how you go pulling the framework for the allocation of powers and responsibilities to state and regions and, more importantly, what are the real degree of autonomy of educational institutions. Who does what? How to create a new balance that materially enhance the education service through land use policies targeted to the specific needs and legitimate expectations? And how can reconstruct a national framework to ensure that all citizens the enjoyment of a right which, like education, is protected by the constitution?
the eve of important regional elections we pick up the thread of the discourse on the prospects of the government school system in our region, because the schools in the Emilia-Romagna want to play a leading role in this change are those whose fundamental reasons to improve the quality of training, ensuring inclusion, fairness and opportunity for every citizen.

The CIDI is a qualified person for the upgrading and training of school personnel and is included in the definitive list of the MPI (Decree 05.07.2005, prot. 1217), pursuant to Ministerial Decree 177/2000.
The seminar takes the form of training and updating.
upon request, will receive a certificate of participation.
For information call 3385218774, or send an email to ivana.summa @ .

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Calories Betty Crocker Brownies

intercultural scenarios: Circular No 2 of 8 January 2010

A circular to read (at least) twice ...

Loretta League, former Minister of Education of the City of Forlì

The worst way to read the Circular No 2 8-1-2010 (one on the ceiling of 30% ...) is to do it with eyes of emotion and anger, than what you see in the shelters, soccer fields, on the outskirts of the devastated our cities, in slum unworthy of our country. But it would be a mistake to oppose the risks creeping intolerance, of which B. Spinelli spoke on "La Stampa" 1, a sort of way of doing good, which refuses to confront the need for concrete projects, rules certain of operational commitments, to give effect to the principles of inclusive education and quality education for all.
It 'clear that behind the cm 2 / 2010 there are also tensions and political interests, sometimes short-lived, but the problems that the ministerial note places are real and require in-depth consideration by the school and its operators, as well as the entire society.

from data

calm reasoning, searching for viable solutions, must begin with some facts:
in schools of our country, the presence of non Italian students has increased over the last decade exponentially, from 2.2% in 2001 to 6.4% in 2010, bringing Italy to the average of other European countries;
today the share of non Italian citizens born in Italy (in France, citizens would in effect! ) now fluctuates around 35%, and exceeds the majority of children in kindergarten (And 41.1% in primary schools), with an unprecedented problem of identity of second generation immigrants;
there is a band that is around on the 8% of boys, the first migration, which occurs at school, with very limited or nonexistent levels of knowledge of language and our culture;
the school is left alone in this new situation: in a few provinces have provided teachers state "added" for literacy and cultural mediation; funds for 'update scarce, recent changes reduce the time of the school, the simultaneous presence of several teachers, that many useful items to build a welcoming school;
experiences are valuable to local bodies, which gives an account in profit that the document presented the ANCI 02/12/2009 2 the House of Representatives, aimed at building literacy structures, protocols for acceptance, responses from mediators, but the restrictions make it difficult to expand public finance and disseminate these "best practices";
the dynamics of immigration (and adults) are poorly governed by causing the thickening in some areas of the country or territories or cities: Faced with the theme of this figure 30% interest in the school seems totally irrelevant, because it should call rather play in the public and private choices concerning access to employment, housing, urban planning, etc..
want to say that civil society seems to be indignant in the face of situations which arise in certain critical areas of the country, but it is very stingy to provide conditions for a peaceful and civilized coexistence. It 'easier to satisfy the emotion and fear, rather than invest in practical solutions that have costs, however. If the presence of foreigners is a wealth generator for a territory (think of Reggio Emilia, one of the provinces with the highest rate of income and, in parallel, the incidence of residents' non-Italian), a part of that wealth-public and private-should flow back to school and social services to ensure the tightness of the system and its social cohesion. So why has the President of the Chamber, the Hon. Fini, when he tries, unsuccessfully, to pose the question of citizenship (to be delivered to certain conditions) as an element of civic development of our country, beyond all temptation xenophobic.

The difficult task of the school

The school lives in this social context of strong emotions around the issue of immigration. We believe the controversial issue of the crime of illegal immigration, which seems to run up against the right of asylum and hospitality, the school certainly the right to education, as an inalienable right of the human condition, without restriction or subject. The Italian school maintain, even in difficult situations, calling its inclusive and welcoming. Just scroll through data that reveal the complexity of the phenomenon (191 nationalities present) 3, which shows widespread in certain areas of the country than in others, with significant accumulations in some contexts, with unexpected appearances in small towns and reality seems far from large flows.
The school is able to accept and do it according to its traditions and skills. This is done without any special emphasis and difficulty in kindergarten and elementary even if at the end of the cycle, already manifested a strong drop in educational achievement between Italian and Italian students. When learning requires the use of linguistic codes increasingly refined and structured emerging difficulties and irregularities in the results. For example, the tests commonly used in elementary, proof of national secondary school examination, the same OECD-Pisa witnessed a gradual increase in the differential results 4. Even the official data on the "dispersion" (failures, delays, dropouts) testify to this difficulty: 7 years already 12.3% of foreign children is late, at age 13 it is 63.7%.

Risk factors

Faced with this situation requires serious reflection. Not enough to condemn - as the cm 2/2010- classes disparate as risk factor for total or partial failure education for all "students in that class (an educational slide in a circular almost always built on the tip of the pen and with balance). Such a statement, taken literally, would lead to the overcoming of the principle of inclusive education for disabled people (and then, the beautiful "Guidelines" of disability signed by the Minister as soon as August 4, 2009?) 5, restoration of special classes and special, at best cases to the formation of homogeneous classes of level, contrary to an assumption not only Italian on the stream, as an effective strategy to stimulate learning in an educational environment at the same time, cooperative and competitive.
should instead be stigmatized the rigidity of our organizational models, in which the board of the weekly hours of disciplines, the organization of teaching and teachers' schedules, the monolithic unity of the class groups, leaves no room for flexibility , of options for individual, interests and needs analysis. We are far from the wishes of the principles of teaching and organization, established in Regulation autonomy 10 years ago (DPR 03/08/1999, n. 275) and also mentioned in the Circular.
Greater customization / individualising pathways could also remove the anxiety of entering class, for which it is confirmed in the ordinary way the criterion age of the person. The cm 2 / 2010, however, suggests to refer the student to input a language assessment test to determine the class of registration, as provided by law 6.

The crux of the school

The integration situation worsens in the transition from primary school to secondary school level, both in terms rigidity of the systems, but also build up in your choices and guidelines for students and families. It is even pathetic to recall the fact that only 2% of high school students are not Italian, but it is almost 9% of professionals. Can schools alone can reverse this trend? Pure wishful thinking, unless he puts a radical reform of our cultural secondary school (where not just a restyling of the new regulations). The only proposal to avoid ghettoes would be to build poles school (or campus), well characterized for the reference axis (scientific, humanistic, social, technological, linguistic, economic, etc..), But open to a plurality of users and routes (high school, nonprofit, but also professional skills, short, higher education, continuing education, etc..) weave in which social presence and origins: a problem of democracy and fairness to the Italians, even before and foreigners 7. The move is limited to assume "forms of learning and differentiated training courses."

Proposals operational circular

Certainly, an excessive thickening of students do not speak Italian in a single class may make it harder for an effective integration. On this aspect, but not only, it directs attention of CM 2 / 2010. The hypothesis suggested by the circular, according to some excessively intrusive in the autonomy of the schools (but delicate process must be "governed"), does not seem easy to apply, and the text of the note itself acknowledges, proposing a series of exceptions, exceptions, distinctions are not always easy to interpret and fall in operational contexts. The competence, exemptions and adjustments to the roofs, it is delegated to the Director General of the Regional School.

I "not" citizens

We start from the hight of 30% and its count (since that is a threshold that has its own meaning) 8. Who are the students with Italian citizenship? -You ask, ironic tones Italian Teachers Association, which has produced a rich literature on the subject 9. Of course there are the Italian laws on citizenship, which refer to the right of blood rather than soil, but there are bills under discussion, to rephrase this concept, to make it more open to the demands of a multicultural society, to accom- example, the acquisition of a degree of mastery of language and legal references that underpin our constitutional and civil society: a kind of patriotism "constitutional" (Habermas), where just being together is due to the sharing of the fundamental laws rather than ethnicity. The lack of a requirement of citizenship, a concept now changing and evolving, seems to be a condition of minority, which, among other things, would be subject to random conditions (whether or not the gathering in an area with high or low density of immigrants). Among other things, the statement could instead facilitate a path to citizenship, but the paradox is to set conditions for non-citizens for their education, making it dependent on local contexts (low or high density of immigrants). 10

Coercion in moving

admit that in a complex or in an institution is exceeding the threshold of 30%. How to identify "losers place? How to force a shift away from home maybe? On what grounds do so, to avoid giving the impression of a forced choice? We know that the United States to combat racial segregation in the '60s adopted the so-called "forced busing" to balance the ethnic composition of certain complexes, if desired, over a range of anti-segregationist. But we? Rightly cm 2 / 2010 sets the problem in terms of the obligation for parents to move, but as a duty of institutions to organize a educational service in which there is a balance of classroom attendance (once we defined the classes "equieterogenee). However, only 5% of schools exceeded the threshold of 30% of non-Italian speakers.

Consultation territorial

rightly insists on the involvement of the circular area (since the relevant local authorities: the City and County, but also the non-profit and voluntary) in promoting more broad-based programs (coordination Subscription territorial, literacy services in the network, intercultural mediation, etc..) able to avoid the worsening of critical only in some situations. We know well how often the autonomy of schools has at times turned into a sort of competitive self-sufficiency, where each school tends to close and manage themselves in their own problems and resources (and the presence of foreign students can be seen from time to time as a to avoid threat or as an unexpected resource for the survival of a school). In other seasons it was possible to turn the steering inter-institutional bodies, inside and outside the school, such as disability, need a similar effort to promote intercultural integration. The circular suggests a number of governance bodies to be established at different levels (in the school, in the territory, region, national)

The threshold of competence Language

One of the reasons for exemption from the ceiling of 30% is the mastery of language by immigrant students (more so if they were born in Italy and have already behind a path of education, in the nest in kindergarten, elementary school). But how do you ensure a level of proficiency? And what is an acceptable threshold, which is interpreted as an initial starting point to increase further due to the processes of education? There are international standards of competence related to the framework of the European languages, and also for the Italian as a second language. There are tools and assessment tests of these levels, such as those produced by the University for Foreigners in Perugia. However, the acquisition of a language other than their native language is not simply a technical problem, Cold acquisition of a new code, but is linked to cultural factors, psychological, emotional, social.

Interlingua Italian language or two?

Nell'apprendente a new language creates a space of connection between language already owned and new language (interlingua called by scholars), very dynamic and rich in terms of cognitive (if you work intelligently on it), that can not be measured only in terms of number of errors and correct the new code gradually learned. Speaking of Interlingua means enhancing the skills of the learners first 11. Furthermore, as stated in the cm 2 / 2010, is an account of the Italian language used for regular exchanges of social life-which can be increased through a tissue rich in educational opportunities for trade - an account is the Italian language to be used for study and also within specific disciplinary knowledge. The Italian L2 study requires special techniques and training (and a garrison stronger language in our schools). Back again, the general problem of the "state" of language teaching in our curriculum. A company multilingual as it is now ours, which is reflected in the presence of multilingual classes, requires a larger investment on the training of teachers and the renewal of methods and learning environments. The training organization

There are models for successful cultural integration in the school. Each country has developed its own cultural and organizational strategies on school integration of immigrants, consistent with the choices on the broader immigration policy: multiculturalism, typical of Britain to the French policy of assimilation. For our country has often spoken of an "Italian way integration " 12, indicating the propensity of our inclusive school, kind of basic and comfortable as around schools is possible to develop new forms of dialogue, encounter, confrontation between cultures, capable of involving adults. It would be detrimental to interrupt this process. Despite that, the "Italian way" requires projects, resources, concrete work, as well indicates the document issued in 2007 by the Ministry of Education. The problem is not just imagining circumvent bridge classes, which create a kind of literacy "forced" or decontamination of culture (think of the Italian immigrants are "quarantined" on the docks of Ellis Island, at the beginning of 900).
each school, schools in the network, the territory must be able to offer multiple opportunities and methods, which can range from intensive courses, first and next to the school, strengthening the supply of Italian in currricoli (which makes mentioned in the regulation of the first round, the DPR 89/2009), facilitation in the instruments and subsidies. The cm 2 / 2010 contains a comprehensive overview of these possibilities, if anything, the problem is translated into lines of practical work. For

impossible tenetur nemo (no one is obliged to do the impossible)

After the impact hard that the circular had his first appearance, now the climate seems more peaceful, even for the details that have come from the same Minister, with a more open interpretation of the measure. For example, pupils with special attention to non-Italian born in Italy but, with the view of the level of knowledge of Italian. Realistically, the Circular recognizes that in certain situations it will be impossible to implement the principle of maximum, as in the case of small municipalities, immigrant-intensive, with few schools, or districts of large cities in similar situations, to make " in continuity "(a grade with an average Opposite ...) etc.. In these and other cases, it becomes unlikely to promote radical movements of users, which should ensure, however, costly facilities and service quality education.
But then we return to the starting point and the complex choices that you want to do on
immigration policies on the future of the school and therefore of our society.

a B. Spinelli, If these men are, in La Stampa, 10 January 2010.
2 ANCI The dossier is to be found on the website of "School News": -even-for-foreign-students-in-schools
3 The nationalities represented are, in order: Romania, Albania, Morocco, China, Ecuador, Tunisia, Philippines.
4 In tests of reading, the average figure of Italian olds is 473 points, that of foreigners to 415. For a detailed analysis, cf. D. Mantovani, foreign students at school in Emilia-Romagna, in Gasperoni G. (ed.), The skills of students in Emilia-Romagna. The results of PISA 2006, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2008.
5 L. Lega, Guidelines on the integration of students with disabilities , in "School News", No. 1, 1-15 September 2009, Tecnodid, Naples.
6 DPR 08.31.1999, n. 394 (Regulations implementing the rules on immigration).
7 D. Church, The unlikely high school reform, in "Journal of Education", n. 5, October-November 2009, Maggs, Rimini.
8 cited in the Presidential Decree 394/1999. it was suggested not to set up classes in which the presence of non-Italian students was predominant (majority?).
9 The case of ADI can be found at:
10 do much to discuss the Bill No 103-A which introduces amendments to existing law (No. 91, February 5, 1992), because it connects the acquisition of citizenship of foreigners born in Italy continued to reside until they come of age and frequency at a profit to the school of compulsory education and training (in addition a course of history, culture and citizenship and the Constitution).
11 In Emilia-Romagna has been put in place a comprehensive program of teacher training on interlanguage. It speaks G. Cerini on Site Edscuola. See
12 The text of the document, drafted by the National Integration in 2007, are available at the Ministry of Education: cf.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Who Can Get An Il Fcc Card


South-East is an exhibition of photographer Steve McCurry, who needs no special presentations should only be viewed. 2010 started my photography as well.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Investing In Weak Currency

Five films to Forli to understand the encounter / clash between cultures and

Intercultural and interreligious dialogue

Gennaio Movie Review - February 2010

promote: Centre for Peace "Annalena Tonelli, Forlì Municipality, Province of Forlì-Cesena, Emilia-Romagna

Peace Center Street Andrelini
Annalena Tonelli, 59-47121 Forlì


Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at 20:30

Damien O'Donnell

England 70. In a small village in northern England family lives Khan, the Pakistani father, English mother, seven children, "English", but that his father would like to become in effect in Pakistan, imposing on them the customs of his native country, fighting of course, the contrasts of the guys who do not want it to attend the mosque, succumb to arranged marriages, to wear Pakistani clothes, defended only by the mother strictly English, which is in the difficult position of buffer between her husband and children.

Introduction: CernesiUniversità Claudio Modena - Reggio Emilia

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 20:30

Laurent Cantet

Francoise and his fellow teachers prepare for a new year of high school in a tough neighborhood. Armed with the best intentions, you agree not to allow anything that will discourage and prevent it impossible to provide the best education to their students. The different cultures and different attitudes are often in conflict with each other in the classroom as a microcosm of contemporary France synthesis.

Introduction: Marisa Tronconi, Headmaster Institute ComprensivoFAENZA

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 20:30

Mohamed Ismail

The 1960s marked a high migration of Jewish families from Morocco to the new state of Israel. The link between people of different race and religion-a mixed couple, two young families, a rabbi breaks following a cruel fate. The uncertainty of the future and the harsh realities of migration are mixed and mark an unpredictable development.

Introduction: Daniela Zamboni, Centre for Peace Annalena Tonelli

Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 20:30

Eran Riklis

Salma, a Palestinian widow who lives in the West Bank, he discovers that his new neighbor is the Israeli defense minister. When, for security reasons, she was ordered to shoot down his lemon garden, she rebelled and took her case to court.

Introduction: Oretta Fabbri, Nursery School Teacher

Tuesday, February 9, 2010 at 20:30

The Visitor by Thomas McCarthy

Walter Vale, professor of Economics, discovers with surprise that his apartment in New York, long uninhabited, was rented with a scam to a young couple, the Syrian Tarek and Zainab African. After a moment of bewilderment Walter decides to let them stay until they find another place. In short, between Walter and Tarek takes the form a friendship. However, when incidental contact with the police end Tarek, illegal immigrant, in a detention center, Walter is the only one who can make the visit. The characters face problems in their lives and their humanity emerges through awkward and comical situations hours, and now hold dramatic.

Introduction by Claudio Cernesi, University of Modena - Reggio Emilia

2010 International Year of alignment of culture

We are all meant to shine as children do.
And as we let our own light to illuminate
give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence
liberates others.
(Nelson Mandela)

In collaboration with CIDl (Centre for Democratic Initiative of Teachers)

At the end of the meetings will receive a certificate of attendance.
convivial buffet will follow.

With the support of Regione Emilia-Romagna

CENTRE FOR PEACE Annalena Tonelli
Via Andrelini 59-47121 Forlì
Monday - Wednesday - Friday at 9.00 to 13.00 Monday - Friday at 15.00 to 19 , 00Tel. 0543 20218 - E-mail: forl

Monday, January 4, 2010

How Many Gb Do You Need On A Laptop

'release number 8 SCUOLINFANZIA CIDI


of Oretta FABBRI (Cidi Forlì)

dear white brother, when I was born I was black , / when I grew up I was black, / when the sun is black, / when they are ill, are black / when I die, I'll be black.
While you, white man, when you were born you were pink, / when you grew up you were white / when you're cold, you blue, / when you're scared, you're green, / when you're sick, you're yellow, / when you die, will be gray.
So the two of us, who is the black man.

(Oral Tradition Africa)

E 'Maria arrived, the intern ...

For two weeks, the trainees were students of the Professional "Roberto Ruffilli" Forlì [1] will be with us every day .
Mary is the intern assigned to our section of the greats. I introduce myself by giving the welcome and accompany children followed by the curious new friend the "cubbyhole" where can deposit clothes, backpacks, books.
While we await the arrival of the 28 children's tale to Mary as we are organized, presented to parents and children who enter, first say to her curiosity.
to observe the daily routine in order to undress and put their coats in the coat, checking the mail with parents individually, hang tag with your name and surname into the skirt at the entrance of the section, enter the greeting ' teacher and classmates, healthy parent and part of a group already at work, or organize individually. Log
designated to the "handheld mess" as always we are 28 to 28 and finally we can present to Mary.
I call every child by last name in the alphabetical order of the class roster (2), everyone gets up from his hand to Mary, telling her: - I am ... (name) nice to meet you -
Once you've done a bit 'embarrassing for some Timidone , as we shall explain to the children with Mary, what we see, hear, tell our school, our games, stories, songs ...
Children are curious ask Mary how her school, what do you do in his school, because she is so great at school with us.


The trainee girl very nice manners, appearance and voice features, says his school and how happy I am to be with us.
- Me too, me too, me too ... - jump on the say in unison as they often do when they get the trainees.
says a girl taking her hand: - it's nice brown color of your skin smooth.
course, as with children, take all "saying" their thoughts.
- Father Henry is darker brown, even if Mary were born in the same place.
While continuing to talk with all intertwined questions, experiences, knowledge required and how does the skin to be born brown or pink.
- But it's not your face pink.
- not even your time.
- It seems clear white
- But I feel as smooth
These discussions are in the schools of small daily and we believe that the role of adults is to go lightly into the "they say" and wait for a new "the "to go to other roads.
I sit next to Mary, who is trying to write everything they say the children.
I invite you to listen to children without writing, because only with a tape recorder could transcribe everything. By listening carefully we can understand better the meaning of what they say, look at her face, catching the tone of voice, looking at the postures of the body.
listened in silence, watching them without interrupting them, only respond if asked, give us the opportunity to capture the essence of what they say and know.

Dialogues on the skin ...

Even they are listening and watching carefully because with her shrill voice that a child says - Oretta but you seem a bit 'yellow close to Mary and then she also has her hair and blacks you have them as white as polished silver, and then your skin also has lines around the eyes. Luckily this ends
complete and real observation of reality.
- You know my grandmother told me that the lines around the eyes are called crow's feet.
- Why?
- Why are wrinkles
- What does it mean?
- Wrinkled
- Oretta you show us your legs of the hen?
They approach and let me look around the eyes and luckily someone comments that they were as blue as the sky (women, never despair of any offense we trim Brunetta children we always had to make). Stretch out my arms so I can shake someone off while Mary looks and starts to write what is happening.
- If we take the lens looks better.
all take the magnifying glass starts the discovery of the skin of the face, neck, hands, feet ... you can see the hair, moles, scars, fingerprints, fingernails ...
- Oretta, the skin of your hands seems to be that the legs of the elephant.

than skin

Each personal story is primarily a history of skin ... The skin express the individual difference, but at the same time indicates the gender, social status, age ... it is the point of contact with the world and with others. Barrier with respect to external objects, though powerless to restrain aggression over a certain threshold, it is so alive as breathing, has trade relations with the environment, emits odors, translates the mood by the consistency (creep), the heat, the color that distinguishes it. Down the passage of stimuli and sense between the outside and the inside ... is a place of exchange with the world: through it pass heat, light, pleasure and pain.
The quality of the relationship with the world is primarily a matter of skin. David Breton
The taste of the world. R. Cortina and anthropology of the senses. (3)

Touch ... touch is the main way of meeting and sensuality, is the attempt to abolish the distance closer to another in an interplay that you want immediately. D. Le Breton

E 'smooth my skin, that of my turtle is rough, the fish has scales that sometimes cut the horse's skin with hair, but if the sheep's wool cut the skin underneath is pink and naked. To me it makes me shudder when cold, which means that I get so many white feathers, but dotted with all the hair straight. My skin is smooth as velvet, and my mom says that mine is buttery. But when we use the clay, the skin becomes dry and wrinkled. Sometimes it seems the sandpaper and chapped lips with the cold. If you have a fever burns the skin.

try many kinds of skin, looking for pictures and images of animals, looking for samples of various types of skin. The skin of the trees and bark. Let the book "Alphabet of the trees of the Rainbow." The skin of fruit and vegetables, with a father doing the garden with lettuce, tomatoes, pumpkins.


Each world is a place
When we brought for the first time our children in Africa to know his paternal grandparents, were singled out and chased by other children with the cry: Yovo! (White) Yovo! Yovo! my patients for the first few days, but because the scene was repeated all the time, I had to explain the meaning of the term. Once in the house, exasperated, my daughter asked me: - Daddy, why in Italy they call me nigger and tell me here in Togo Yovo?
has green skin like frogs. You are as red as a turkey. The chameleon always changing the color of the skin. (4) The giraffe has two colors like the zebra. The coral snake is of two colors. The skin of the pig is pink. So why do we color our skin pink? How does the skin turn brown?

Because if your skin is white and that of Mary Brown's shadow in the wall that you are black for you two? (5)

Under the skin there are so many things, the skeleton is white, is made of bones. I saw the bone of the ox is white. Well! why do not you know that all the bones are white?

A closer look, nobody is
Caetano Veloso

I found many samples to touch the skin are also useful to see the color of the skin and make it a huge carpet to look and touch. Scientifically explain to children how our skin becomes dark in the sun. Mary was born with brown skin who lives at the north pole is much whiter than us. Use the microscope to see even more skin, fingerprints. Getting old x-rays and a skeleton dial. Playing with shadows.

Two Color Mohiedden El Labbad

grown up, I learned the name of many colors. I learned that the "Blue" is not one, but there are many types of blue, and that "Red", "yellow" and "green" are a lot of red, yellow and green. When I began to study art, I learned that there are many colors beyond the basic and most popular. Among these colors less known, I met a color called "flesh", I used prepared in tubes and small bottles. Many of us painted faces, hands and human bodies with this color "flesh". In this distant time, none of us discovered that all the colors we used were imported from Europe and the U.S. Not one of us discovered that Americans and Europeans produce these colors for their own use. This is why the color "flesh" was like the color of their skin and not the ours. One day while I painted, my eye fell on my hand that he used the brush that painted bodies and faces with the colors of imported and found a big difference!
The color of my hand was so different from the color "flesh" with which I was painting. I was amazed and I stopped painting, and after a while I stopped using this color and began to write - alone - a new flesh-colored, and using it to paint faces, hands, arms and bodies. The new color was closer to the color of my skin, and skin of my people.
Mohiedden El Labbad was born in Cairo in 40, he published his first children's book in 62.


Feel that smell Fishing is my skin. The skin of the fish smell. Even when you're sweating your.
Feel the smell and that of our comrades. Collect fruit, objects, materials to smell it. The flowers do with berries and rose petals and rose water and jam.


The skin is salty. If you swim in the sea is saltier. My dog \u200b\u200blicks me always, is to say he loves me. And 'good fried chicken skin is salted with rosemary.
fruits allows us to enjoy the skin: the apple is sweet, one of the mandarins is bitter, that is nuts ... hard.


The skin plays. If you get a slap the skin makes a sciac ...
Clapping all over the body with many ways to beat (open hand, a finger fist), snap their fingers, beat the body and the various parties on different surfaces and materials .

... After fifty minutes the donkey Pinocchio was underwater, the buyer said, talking to himself: - at this time my poor little lame Donkey must be ready-drowned. Ritiriamolo so on, and make his skin this beautiful drum. (6)

... but you consider yourself a black man, I consider myself a man.
from the movie "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner"

a skin Paola Tabet Fair article from "A City" magazine published in Forlì *
Paola Tabet, the fair skin, and Einaudi.
Roullier Jerome, a man of color, and Arka. (Sadly discontinued)
2 Sandro Onofri, Gradebook, and Einaudi.
3 David Le Breton, The taste of the world. An anthropology of the senses, R. and Cortina.
David Le Breton, the skin and the track, and Meltemi.
David le Breton, the world on foot, Feltrinelli ed. 4
Leo Lionni, A color of my own, and Babalibri.
Nassera Chohra 5, I wanted to be white, and / or ed.
6 Carlo Collodi, Pinocchio.
Gunter Grass, The Tin Drum, Feltrinelli ed. * A city
v. Duke Valentino 0543 21422 11 47100 Forlì
The voice of innocence
When my wife and I were invited to a mixed couple on television, my son nine years asked me - because my father have to do a broadcast on the mixed couple. What do you mean mixed couple? I replied: - see that Dad is black and mother is white: we form a mixed couple. As for the people is something new, they want to talk about it. After thinking for a while ', looked at me and said, - "Dunno, for me, a mixed couple ... is ... a man who marries a robot.
Kossi Komla Ebri, New embarrassed Editions Dell'Arco-Marne.
Koss was born in Togo in Togo-54 is an Italian citizen, lives in Ponte Lambro (Como) is a doctor at the hospital Fatebenefratelli Erba.

[1] Roberto Ruffilli was an academic collaborator Moro, who was killed in his office in Forlì in the 80s by the Red Brigades.